"Of course, his expansive balsa volume is an autonomous work, it is itself and at the same time catch, to which actual but also borrowed and claimed contextualizations and cross-references can be hung .. Perceptible to the block condensed stack of pick-up journals, in which in turn targeted Verweishorizonte manifest in image and text, in the same way reference to Minimal Art as the consistently spatially drawn Karabinerband.
Excerpt from: Winfried Nußbaummüller

100 meter of handcarved balsawood.

"Of course, his expansive balsa volume is an autonomous work, it is itself and at the same time catch, to which actual but also borrowed and claimed contextualizations and cross-references can be hung .. Perceptible to the block condensed stack of pick-up journals, in which in turn targeted Verweishorizonte manifest in image and text, in the same way reference to Minimal Art as the consistently spatially drawn Karabinerband.
Excerpt from: Winfried Nußbaummüller
100 meter of handcarved balsawood.